The Kind that Damages Our Children

“This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.” – Jesus (Mark 9:29)

In Mark 9:17-18, a man comes to Jesus and the disciples because his son has an evil spirit that is tearing at the boy’s flesh, causing him bodily harm, and creating physical and emotional anguish. This is a spirit that wants to do long-term damage (see Mark 9:22).

This is a spirit that wants to harm any and all children.

This is the kind that IS STILL WITH US
Demonic and anti-Christ forces in this world want nothing more than to use and abuse our children, to bring them to ruin, to damage them beyond repair, to destroy them, to hollow them out spiritually and emotionally.

  • “This kind” is embodied in a sexually promiscuous culture
  • “This kind” is embodied in a violence-drenched entertainment
  • “This kind” is embodied in a whatever-we-want-is-good attitude
  • “This kind” is embodied in a me-first mentality
  • “This kind” is embodied in a consumerism-fueled success metrics

Evil spirits are chewing up our kids and eating them whole. These demonic forces are doing everything in their power to send the next generation on a fast train to hell.

This is the kind COMES OUT BY NOTHING
The devil is sadistic. He wants to hurt our children and damage them in the long term.

Too many parents–including Christian parents–are his unwitting accomplices. This isn’t to say we don’t love or care about our kids. We want the best for them. But buying them the best cell phones,  driving them in the best cars, sending them to the best schools, and ensuring they have the best Christmas isn’t what they ultimately need.

They need something to get “this kind” to come out, to leave them alone, to allow them to live, breathe, think, enjoy the loving gifts of God. But “this kind” won’t come out by any–and that’s according to Jesus Christ Himself (Mark 9:29)!

This is the kind won’t respond to RELIGIOUS EFFORTS
After failing to rid a young man of a demonic spirit, Jesus’ disciples wonder why they weren’t successful in the effort.

Jesus’ response, recorded in Mark 9:29, suggests that these men were doing exactly like most Christian parents are doing: counting too much on their own ability to ward off evil. I’m guessing they may have thought that they had followed Jesus long enough and had been given enough instruction that this would be just another routine outing.

They were wrong, of course. And so are we.

I don’t know of many Christians in my circles being asked to exorcise children of demons. But we are encountering the same sort or “kind” of spirits. And we need to do something about it.

This is the kind requires FASTING AND PRAYING
We have to pay attention to what Jesus says in Mark 9:29 “this kind” does respond:

  • Not a formula
  • Not manipulation
  • Not a magic incantation
  • Not a weepy confession
  • Not a angry determination

Instead, Jesus says “this kind” only comes out by prayer & fasting.

He’s saying that “this kind” only comes out with a posture of humility, an attitude of repentance.

Until we’re ready to resist to the point of blood (Hebrews 12:4), until we’re ready to pray to the point of inconvenience and embarrassment (I Samuel 1:14), until we’re ready to do more than just send our kids to church and call it a day … “this kind” won’t come out.

But when we have genuine submission to, total reliance upon, complete fulfillment in Jesus Christ, “this kind” will head for the hills.

May God grant us the strength, courage, and light to love our children enough to pray and fast to get the devil to leave them alone.

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